The funny thing is that I tried to do everything, but I put off the one thing that might help - to go and see a doctor. I researched "red and raw eyes" online, talked to an optometrist friend, and tried every form of eye drop that was available over-the-counter. I kept hearing the sweet promise of Ben Stein, the Clear Eyes' man...you know the one from Ferris Bueller, that my eyes would become startlingly white. Unlike that red-striped beach ball from the commercials, my eyes did not instantly clear. In fact, no matter what I did, they only grew redder. It was only after I visited the doctor that they cleared up.
Why is it so hard for us to do what's good for us? Why do we sometimes let our problems, issues, pains fester?
One insight I gained from my short trial was that sometimes we do this because we fear it might be something serious. AND if it's serious, we might actually have to work really, really hard to make a change. Change will not sweep over us and instantly clear our red eyes. It's work and most of us fear it.
Why is it that I can't (or won't) let go of that one insulting comment? Why do I let a wrong fester for a week, a month, or even years without doing anything? Or how about a hurt from someone? Why do I let myself live with pain rather than go and see the Healer?
If you're still stuck, then let me say these three things:
1. The longer you let your ailment fester, the harder it will be to undo.
Like a knot, it will twist tighter and tighter into itself. So the application here is, get on it. Don't be like me and do everything, BUT ask for true help.
2. Asking for help is not just a step in the healing process, sometimes it is the main step.
I think we tend to underestimate asking God for help. Sometimes that's all people did in the Bible. They didn't try and do it by themselves. Remember the Israelites crying out to the Lord? Most times all we can do is say, HELP!
3. The Holy Spirit is alongside of us to help us do the work.
Be encouraged! God is with you, to comfort, compel, and guide you through the grueling hard work. We cannot do this by ourselves and God knows it. Our illness, hurts, pains, need more than the human touch. It needs God's touch and he is all too willing to heal us. And, yes, God does use people in this process.
On Good Friday we brought things to the cross. Things that we've been keeping from dying on the cross with Jesus. Jesus already did the work of dying, now how are we going to break out of our cycle of death and live?
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