Friday, December 9, 2011

Sushi and a Sense of Calling

Vocation: lit. "a calling."

I stumbled upon the following trailer for a soon to be released documentary.  A word of warning: if you like sushi (Sam?), you are about to be hit with major temptation.  Seriously, I am thinking sushi might have been the fruit that Adam and Eve fell for...

I had a couple of thoughts when I saw this.  First, with Sam's Sunday message ("Living a Mission Driven Life") fresh on my mind, I connected with Jiro's singularity of focus. What happens when we understand our calling as disciples that deeply?  Might it cause people to take notice? 

Second, vocation.  Our small group discussion this week was partly on vocation.  What if we understood our vocation like that?  Jiro dreams about sushi.  And at 80 years old, having had all the accolades, he is strangely not about finding success in the 'world's terms.'  No franchising, no opening of larger restaurants, no fancy cars, no life of leisure, no long vacations to exotic places, no retirement to look forward to.  I mean, don't you get the sense that he would dream about sushi even if his little subway restaurant was all there was?  What if we measured the success of our work in different terms?

Contrast this with the movie I just saw, Margin Call.  Ultimately, it is the story of people willing to sacrifice whatever principle they call dear, for the sake of making lots of money.  The ends justify the means, and the ends are nothing more than having lots and lots of money.

Tell me your reaction to the video.  Whatever that might be.