The odd thing about having a lot is that you always want more.
The Capitol has so much, but they vomit up their food so that they can consume more. This seems like a crazy idea, but on a certain level we might be accused of the same sort of greed. We have probably consumed beyond our need and we have probably overindulged ourselves. Who hasn’t gotten one too many handbags, shoes, DVDs, phones, TVs, etc.? Who hasn’t felt compelled to buy something that they really didn’t need? And more importantly, who, in that moment of consumption were ignorant that they were guilty of greed?
My hand is up. I am guilty. However, I’m not pointing this out to make us feel bad about ourselves. Well, maybe just a little, but the main reason is that this is what I have learned from Lent - I cater too much to my own needs and desires. Why do I do this? Because I think that by serving myself, by indulging, consuming, and over-feeding my desires, I’ll be satisfied.
The sad thing is I don’t feel full. I’m just left with more cravings.
Going back to The Hunger Games, the surprising thing about the children from the poor districts is that some of them have so little, but from the little that they have they share. While those with enough, hoard and consume to excess. On the other hand, those with barely enough, give away their measly portions. I think they can do this because the poor know that they can survive with less.
They have learned the hard way that they can live with a smaller portion.
During Lent, I realized that I, too, can live with less. One unexpected thing that arose from this was that it really made me appreciate all that I have. Secondly, it made me realize that maybe, even with my small income, I can help others. I can buy that friend a dinner, I can give that homeless man something significant, and I can share my small portion and make someone feel full.
Anything here make you think? Please share your thoughts with us, we want to hear.
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