Since I enjoy reading books and watching movies, I'm always on the look out for the next good read/watch. So it comes as no surprise that I love playing around with Amazon's yasiv - a sort of visual "customers who bought this also bought" feature. Just type in a book, movie, or even youtube, and yasiv will pull a web of similar, related items. (Yes, I realize that this is just another marketing tool by the evil empire Amazon, but I still get a kick out of using it.)

What would be really fun is if you could type in a person or an organization and see how the web of relationships develop. I would be curious to see what would pop up if we put "Cross Community Church" in the search field. Let's imagine for a moment that each line of connection generated by yasiv represented "friendship" or "strong relationship". What would Cross' "web" look like? Would there be lots of zig-zagging lines connecting one another or would it look sparse with each person connected to just a few others?
What do you think?
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