Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday, July 5 - Scripture Meditation

Matthew 5:7

"Blessed are the merciful,
    for they will be shown mercy."


  1. There is that 'scary' connection between showing mercy unto others and being shown mercy. I am not struggling here with whether it is conditional or a necessary aftereffect; however you read it, the Scriptures connect the ability to show mercy with the awareness of having received mercy. That connection--however you arrive at it--makes sense.

    What I do struggle with, is the sense that in giving mercy, I might somehow be losing something in the process.

    Jesus' promise is that no matter how we feel about giving mercy unto someone, we can trust that the mercy we receive from God will more than make up for it -- be a blessing.

    Lord, help me to trust.

  2. Mercy is undeserved. The moment I think it's something owed to me, even in the slightest, it ceases to be mercy. Rarely do we experience mercy in its truest form or even want to experience mercy in its purest form. When someone shows us mercy, e.g. forgive us, we want to believe - perhaps subconsciously - that there is something about who I am (I'm a nice guy) or what I did in the past (I've forgiven others before; I think I deserve a break on this one) that "earns" us the favor that was just given to us. Another tell-tale sign is that we often try to pay back "mercy'.

    Lord, break me that I may be receive your mercy as mercy - completely undeserved.
