Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday, July 3 - Scripture Meditation

Matthew 5:5
Blessed are the meek
for they will inherit the earth


  1. Meek people are overlooked... Meek people are stepped on by people on their way to places... Meek people are forgotten... But not by God.

  2. We have become an entitlement-centric culture; we believe things are owed us. I am guilty of this often: I feel entitled to good customer service, to a safe neighborhood, to have a job where I feel fulfilled, etc. I get the sense that the meek people Jesus is referring to aren't as demanding. They don't get things by demanding. They get by in life because they humbly receive what God gives them. Meekness is a despised virtue in our power-hungry culture, but the meek are blessed, nonetheless, because they will ultimately inherit the earth.
